We Believe . . . The Bible to be the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God and that it is inerrant in all it affirms and teaches.
We Believe . . . That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We Believe . . . In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal, future return to this earth in power and glory to rule the nations.
We Believe . . . In the deity of the Holy Spirit who convicts, regenerates, indwells, and seals all believers in Christ; fills those who yield to Him; and gives spiritual gifts to all believers as He wills.
We Believe . . . That mankind was created in the image of God; but that through Adam’s sin, the race fell, inherited a sinful nature, and became alienated from God. Man has a radical propensity to sin and of himself is utterly unable to remedy his lost condition. We also believe that humanity is created in the image of God (imago Dei), and thus has intrinsic value. This is seen in the reality of Jesus Christ’s incarnation, becoming a man, and His willingness to die for humanity. We believe that Jesus’ resurrection inaugurated a new kind of humanity, the “One New Man,” and that those who are in Christ are being conformed to His image; that is to say, they are being restored to the likeness of God from whence mankind fell and will bear fruit in their life before they die.
We Believe . . . That the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ and that regeneration through spiritual conception by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
We Believe . . . In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life, evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit and increasing conformity to Christlikeness in all areas of life.
We Believe . . . That Christ’s Church, as represented in the assembly of saints in a local community, is the body of Christ to do His work of evangelizing lost individuals in its community; promote spiritual formation in the lives of its members bringing them to full maturity in Christ; and pressing beyond its Jerusalem to plant the church in its Judea, Samaria, and among the uttermost communities of earth, thus endeavoring to complete Christ’s Great Commission.
We Believe . . . That the standard for the Christian life should reflect the original intent of God before the fall of humanity and that standards and behaviors that emerged after the fall should not be considered normative. This view values the importance and inherent worth of both man and woman. It also includes the belief that the covenant of marriage is to be between a man and a woman, and that all sexual expression is rightly kept only within the boundaries of this relationship. This belief is affirmed in the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 19:4-6.
We Believe . . . In the resurrection of the saved and the lost, the saved to everlasting life and the lost to everlasting damnation.
Since values are the drivers for decision, and transformation is a result of multiple choices and decisions, we have identified a core of values that must be foundational to biblical, transformational education.
We believe that all true knowledge emanates from God, who is the Creator, Controller, and Consummator of the universe. He has revealed truth to man that man cannot discover for himself because of man’s rebellion against God. This rebellion was triggered by human will in defiance to God’s will; and since man did not desire to retain the concept of God in their knowledge system, God gave them over to be controlled by a reprobate mind.
Even with the revelation of absolute truth as presented in the Word of God (Bible), man could not by himself comprehend truth since his interpretive system was also reprobate. Therefore, the Spirit of God came for special purposes in the Old Testament era and was given to indwell the believer in the New Testament economy. In both periods, man was dependent upon the Spirit of God to illuminate the revealed truth of God so that man could comprehend its meaning.
Upon these truths, Champion Christian College has constructed its philosophy of education. We believe education is a spiritual teaching/learning activity involving cognitive knowledge interpreted by both revelation and illumination to provide a thorough comprehension of reality.
We believe that the educational design of our curricula must foster transformational change within the lives of our students based on the biblical concept of renewing the mind. Thus, our theories of learning must not be limited to the impartation of knowledge to the student, but also developing within the student the abilities and methodologies to become a self-directed learner engaged in life-long learning.
The educational task of Champion Christian College is a seriously planned endeavor based upon biblical teaching/learning concepts, precepts, and principles. We are seeking to design a curriculum for a Christian college in a post-Christian world. We believe this task has four major components: