Teaching and Training Servant Leaders to be the next generation of world changers!

Francis Grubbs Library

About the Library

Welcome to the Francis Grubbs Library! Here you will find information about our library, links for various databases, and helpful tools. Our library currently houses over 36,000 publications as well as various online resources.  Come learn with us!

Location: The Francis Grubbs Library is currently located on the first floor of the Champion building.

Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Our New Library Expansion

It may be light reading, but make no doubt about it–books are heavy. Just ask the baseball players, faculty, and administration who helped us move over twenty-five thousand of them for our new library renovation!

However, the reward was well worth it: a completely redesigned library area! Today, the Francis Grubbs Library has been expanded by more than three hundred square feet and features a more user-friendly environment, including a dedicated reference department and three updated study rooms. However, the most exciting expansion is one that can’t be contained by walls: a major addition to Champion’s electronic database offerings. Research sites from ProQuest, EBSCO Host, and ABC-Clio are being added to our current listing of resources, broadening the scope of available information on subjects from history and business to arts and entertainment. Our students now have access to research that was previously behind a pay structure–making their learning truly limitless.

Come by today to see our new expansion: a library worthy of the Champion name!


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