Teaching and Training Servant Leaders to be the next generation of world changers!
Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies

Secondary Education

SECONDARY EDUCATION CONCENTRATION (21 core hours + 30 specialization hours):

Education Core Courses - 21 hours
  • EDU 1011 Introduction to Education
  • EDU 1013 Foundations of Education
  • EDU 2013 Theories and Philosophy of Christian Education
  • EDU 2023 Classroom Management
  • EDU 2032! Instructional Technology
  • PSY 2013 Child and Adolescent Development
  • EDU 3013 Classroom Assessment
  • EDU 3063 Teaching the Diverse Learner
Secondary Education Practica – 18 Hours
  • EDU 4013 Education Seminar 1
  • EDU 4023 Education Seminar 2
  • EDU 4012 Student Teaching (12 hours)
Secondary Education Specializations – 30 Hours (One specialization should be chosen.) A.
  • Prerequisite: ENG 2013 World Literature I (within Fine Art Course).
  • ENG 2023 World Literature II (pre req. ENG 2013 World Literature I)
  • ENG 2313 British Literature I
  • ENG 3013 American Literature I
  • ENG 4033 Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  • ENG 3033 Poetry
  • ENG 4013 Modern Grammar
  • ENG 4013 Research methods
  • ENG 4063 Methods of Secondary Language Arts
  • Secondary English Electives – 6 Credit Hours (choose any two from below)
  • ENG 2323 British Literature II
  • ENG 2333 Children/Adolescent Literature
  • ENG 3023 American Novel
  • ENG 4043 Shakespeare
  • ENG 4053 Mythology
  • SPA 1013 Elementary Spanish I
  • SPA 1023 Elementary Spanish II
  • SPA 1033 Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPA 1043 Intermediate Spanish II
  • SPA 2013 Conversational Spanish I
  • SPA 2023 Conversational Spanish II
  • SPA 3023 Culture and Civilization of Latin America
  • SPA 4023 Methods of Teaching Spanish
    • Secondary Spanish Electives – 6 Credit Hours (choose any two from below)
    • SPA 2033 Conversational Spanish III
    • SPA 3013 Culture and Civilization of Spain
    • SPA 4013 Survey of Spanish Literature
    • ENG 4033 Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  • Prerequisite: MTH 1213 College Algebra (within Gen. Ed.)
  • BUS 2033    Business Math
  • MTH 2033  Geometry
  • MTH 3023  Discrete Math
  • MTH 3033  Calculus I
  • MTH 3043  Calculus II
  • MTH 4033  Differential Equations
  • MTH 4043  Methods of Secondary Math I
  • MTH 4053  Methods of Secondary Math II
    • Secondary Math Electives – 6 Credit Hours (choose any two from below)
    • MTH 4063 Praxis Math: Content Knowledge Test Prep
    • MTH 3013 Trigonometry
    • MTH 2043 Linear Algebra
    • MTH 3053 History of Mathematics
  • Prerequisites: HIS 1313 World History I
  • Required Ged Ed: 4313 Arkansas History
  • GEO 1313 Geography
  • HIS 1323 World History II
  • ECO 2013 Microeconomics or ECO 2023 Macroeconomics
  • HIS 2313 American Nation I
  • HIS 2323 American Nation II
  • POL 2413 State & Local Government
  • POL 2313 American National Government
  • HIS 3323 Civil War & Reconstruction
  • HIS 4xx3 Methods of Secondary Social Studies
    • Secondary Social Studies Electives – 3 Credit Hours (choose any two from below)
    • HIS 3313  Contemporary America
    • HIS 3013  French Revolution & Napoleon
    • HIS 3023  Jacksonian America
    • HIS 3033  The World Wars
  • Prerequisites: PHY 1434 Physical Science & Lab + BIO 1414 Biology & Lab (Within Gen. Ed.)
  • BIO 2324 Introduction to Microbiology & Lab
  • BIO 2423  Molecular and Cellular Biology
  • CHM 2414 Chemistry (add Lab – CHM 2414)
  • BIO 2014  Human Anatomy and Physiology & Lab I
  • MTH 3013  Trigonometry
  • PHY 3413  Physics I
  • PHY 3423  Physics II
  • SCI 4013  Methods of Secondary Sciences
    • Secondary Science Electives – 3 Credit Hours (choose 1 from below)
    • BIO 2523 Botany
    • BIO 2533 Zoology
    • BIO 3423 Genetics
    • BIO 3443 Ecology
    • BIO 2024 Human Anatomy and Physiology & Lab II
  • Prerequisite: BIO 2014 Human Anatomy and Physiology (Within Gen. Ed. Core)
  • PED 2013 Introduction to Physical Education
  • SMD 2023 Foundations of Coaching
  • KIN 2313 Sports Safety and First Aid
  • KIN 3013 Principles of Sports Management and Kinesiology
  • PED 3123 Nutrition for Fitness and Sports
  • PED 3313 Teaching K-12 Health and PE
    • Secondary Core Subject Courses – 12 Credit Hours
    • Students will choose another Secondary Core Subject to take 12 credit hours.

Reach Your Full Potential for God